Tuesday 17 December 2013

League of Legends

League of legends is one of the famous games in the world. I used to play this game usually, in free time because I take allot of fun in it. League of legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. It was first announced on October 7 2008 and released on October 27 2009.


This game play is about two teams of five Champions, there are 117 different Champions from which to choose. Each player begins at opposing sides of a map near a building called a Nexus. A match is won when either team's Nexus is destroyed. Along the way, each player gains levels from killing the opposing team's Champions and Minions. Its easy to kill minions even if you are a low level in the game. After you kill minions or champions you will have money to buy shields, arms, poison to make the champion stronger.. Champions are not the same, some release fire like kogmaw, some relase arrows like ashe, some fights with their hand like jax there are various of champions that have there abilty.

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